September 16, 2024

DMR Awards

Because Everyone Wants an Award

The Rules

DMR Awards Rules

Section 1: Purpose

  1. The purpose of DMR awards is to allow amateur radio operators the opportunity to earn awards for their operating accomplishments. Just because DMR utilizes the internet should not disqualify you for claiming an award for your operating efforts.

Section 2: Eligibility

  1. DMR Awards are available to any licensed Amateur Radio Operator worldwide.
  2. Applicants for a DMR Award must be a subscriber to

Section 2: Awards

Awards can be obtained for the following operating accomplishments:

  1. Worked All 50 United States

2. Worked all 9 Canadian Call Areas

3. Worked 5 of the countries in the UK

4. Worked 100 countries

Awards will be added upon request and approval by DMR Awards

Section 3: Operating Requirements

  1. Any person claiming an award must have a valid and verifiable Amateur Radio Licensed issued by the licensing authority in their country
  2. The licensed amateur must have a verifiable DMR ID associated with their callsign.
  3. All operations must be done in compliance with the rules and regulations of the licensing authority of their country.
  4. Club stations are welcome to apply for awards but must have a DMR ID associated with the club callsign.

Section 4: Logging Requirements

  1. All Logs must indicate the following
  2. Date and time (UTC) of the QSO
  3. Call sign of the station contacted
  4. Talk Group Number on which the contact occurred.
  5. Location of the station called (State for State award, Grid Square for Grid Square award, etc.)

Section 5: Log Submissions

  1. Application for an award shall be submitted by email to
  2. Logs must be complete and appropriate for the award being requested. Incomplete logs will be returned to the applicant for further information.
  3. Logs will be spot-checked for accuracy. Call signs that cannot be verified will be returned to the applicant.
  4. Logs must be signed by the applicant and contain a statement that the operator attests to the fact that they made contact with the stations in their log.

Section 6:  Disqualifications

  1. Any one  submitting an inaccurate log will receive one written warning to the email address on file.
  2. A second submission of an inaccurate log will result in the operator being banned from receiving any future awards.

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